• Being subdivided
  • Subdivisions sold (tentative sales or under negotiation)
  • Green space
  • Regulating pond
  • Lot sales suspended due to temporary housing use

※Wastewater: according to the classification of the “ordinances stipulated under the emission standards based on the Air Pollution Control Act and the waste water standards based on the Water Pollution Control Act (Prefectural Ordinance 18)”
※Concluded land subdivisions (leased) include tentative sale of lots or lots under negotiation.


Location Date City
Current condition Site preparation underway
(scheduled for completion in Jan. 2023)
Zoning Urbanization adjustment areas (area plan ready)
Lot price 10,000-13,000 yen/2
Regional designation -
Land category Housing


Total area Factory site Subdivided area Available lot area
Area[ha] 14.0 10.7 0 10.7
Land category Housing

Preferential treatment system

Preferential treatment system
  1. Fukushima company location subsidy to promote industrial revival
  2. Date City employment promotion incentive
  3. Date City Land Acquisition Subsidy
  4. Date City Operations Subsidy (amount equivalent to fixed asset tax)
Subdivision lot sales Available(upon consultation)
Rentals No
Other Tohoku Chuo Expressway Approx. 1km to the Date Chuo IC


Industrial water Waterworks Groundwater
Water[m3/day] - -
Wastewater Higashine River, water area A after single treatment


Standard high voltage
Extra high voltage -
Optical communication network -

Geological Ground

N value -

Companies located within the industrial park

Contact information

Date City Commerce, Industry, and Tourism Section
Contact address

INDEXList of industrial parks